Thursday, August 25, 2011

Day 27 - The Wilderness - 119km - Next to a river just west of Alvestad (West of linkoping)

Today we were truly cycling in the wilderness. With no lunch in our bags we cycled 57km along gravel roads up and down steep hills through the forest before reaching the first town - Trehorna. Here we asked a man mowing the lawns if there was a grocery store in town. His reply was "No, but if you want I can open my restaurant for you!" We had stumbled on a newly opened hotel/conference centre made from an old school next to a lake. The place had a really chilled out atmosphere and could be a potential location for the next ME3 retreat! We hammered some more K's in the afternoon, and Dave was excited to see his first Elk after missing the previous sighting. We arrived as it started to get dark at a great spot next to a river where we had an ice cold swim and well needed wash. We also found an old fishing line complete with hook so tried our luck. Unfortunately the fish attracted to our worms were too small to bite the hook! We dedicate this day to Yu Sheng. Dave was reminded of interviewing him in the first Ricardo class when he said he enjoyed chilling out together in a small group - which is what we have been doing the last 29 days! We hope he has enjoyed chilling with his friends back in Taiwan!


  1. hey ! I must say that you amazed me by riding so many kilometers a day so many days ! I hope that you are proud of yourselves. You can be !
    You got mail at La péniche, we'll send it to you when we have your adress
    Ellyn and I are going to hitchhike to the Pyrenees for some days of walking through the mountains.
    Good luck for the last kilometers, enjoy it !

  2. Doña Claudia,

    La descripción de sus recorridos, por esas tierras nórdicas de bosques, lagos y colinas evoca el poema "Caminante" de Antonio Machado (y como naciste con dos imaginaciones y creciste en medio de una tercera, ahí te van las versiones en Francés e Inglés también).

    Caminante, son tus huellas
    el camino, y nada más;
    caminante, no hay camino,
    se hace camino al andar.
    Al andar se hace camino,
    y al volver la vista atrás
    se ve la senda que nunca
    se ha de volver a pisar.
    Caminante, no hay camino,
    sino estelas en la mar.

    Toi qui voyage, ce que tu crois être le chemin
    ne sont que tes pas
    rien d'autre
    Toi qui voyage, de chemin il n'y a
    le chemin naît en marchant
    le chemin c'est tes pas qui le font
    et lorsque tu te retournes
    tu peux voir la sente
    que plus jamais tu n'auras le droit de prendre
    Toi qui voyage, de chemin il n'y a
    rien de plus que des traces sur la mer

    Wanderer, your footsteps are
    the road, and nothing more;
    wanderer, there is no road,
    the road is made by walking.
    By walking one makes the road,
    and upon glancing behind
    one sees the path
    that never will be trod again.
    Wanderer, there is no road--
    Only wakes upon the sea.

    ¡Bravo por el "camino" que hasta ahora han forjado!

  3. Well done!! I am a fan, definitely!
    See you soon
