Sunday, July 31, 2011

Day 3 - climbing over the "alps off the normandie" - 96 km - south of falaise on the orne

today we dedicate the trip to anna and vanessa , as they would be surely with us if they had some time. And anna just had birthday. Today we almost made as much distance vertically as horizontally. Claudia felt like an overload donkey. Rob set up a speed record of 67km/h. Vivien made us ride in circles. We found cheap wine in large bottles wich we can drink now on our private little beach after we scared away all the families by playing baseball with apples. Now off to some indonisian cigarettes (special curtesy of anta)


  1. Hey Vivien ! Your trip seems so funny ! Hope you will have good time and take a lot of pictures for this blog !

  2. Christel et MaximeAugust 1, 2011 at 6:58 AM

    Hi everyone!

    We are very impressed by your trip...

    Good luck to you, we look forward to receiving more news and to sharing mussels again in Stockholm !

  3. Doña Claudia,

    Se necesita la tenacidad, perseverancia y testarudez de un burro para llegar a la cima; sobre todo si ésta es muy empinada, abrupta y larga. Concentrándose solo en el siguiente paso y regocijándose una vez alcanzado el destino (y al parecer también la botella de vino que le espera al final de la jornada...).

    ¡Échenle muchas ganas y disfruten lo más que se pueda!

